Pool Energy & heating


Home with large square pool. Pool cover is open.


One of the significant benefits of Coverstar automatic pool covers is their ability to save energy. By effectively covering the pool when it's not in use, automatic pool covers minimize heat loss through evaporation and reduce the need for constant heating. This energy-saving feature has a positive impact on both the environment and the pool owner's wallet.

When a pool is left uncovered, a significant amount of heat is lost due to evaporation. The water's surface constantly interacts with the air, causing heat to escape. However, with a Coverstar pool cover in place, this heat loss is greatly minimized. The cover acts as a barrier, preventing evaporation and effectively trapping the heat within the pool. As a result, the pool water retains its warmth for a longer period, reducing the need for continuous heating.

By reducing heat loss and the subsequent demand for heating, automatic pool covers significantly decrease energy consumption. Pool owners can enjoy substantial savings on their energy bills by using less electricity or gas to heat their pools. This not only benefits their finances but also contributes to a more sustainable and energy-efficient approach to pool ownership. The energy-saving aspect of automatic pool covers aligns with the growing emphasis on environmental responsibility and the importance of reducing energy usage and carbon footprints.

Reduce Pool Heat Loss and Water Evaporation.

Reduce Pool Heat Loss and Water Evaporation.

Home with a back deck, lawn chairs and pool with the pool cover on

Pool covers offer a range of energy and heating benefits that make them an essential addition to any pool. By effectively covering the pool's surface, pool covers help to reduce evaporation, heat loss, and energy consumption, resulting in significant cost savings and environmental advantages.

Learn how Coverstar automatic pool covers can help to keep your pool at a nice, warm temperature, minimize water evaporation, and reduce the need for costly pool maintenance.

  • When left uncovered, the water temperature of your swimming pool drops an average of five degrees (F). Keeping your pool covered can help you reduce this heat loss by almost 50%.

  • A Coverstar automatic pool cover acts as a passive solar heater and can help to increase pool water temperature by eight to 10 degrees.

  • Have you ever accidentally left your windows open while running your air conditioner? Because the cool air can escape through the windows, it takes more time to cool down the house. The same concept applies to a pool cover. When you seal your pool, it keeps the warm air inside and can help to make your pool heater more efficient.

    Water evaporation is the leading cause of energy loss. According to the Department of Energy, it only takes one Btu (British thermal unit) to raise one pound of water one degree, but each pound of 80-degree water that evaporates takes 1,048 Btu of heat out of the pool.

How Much Energy Does a Pool Cover Save?

How Much Energy Does an Automatic Pool Cover Save?

Consistent use of a pool cover offers these cost- and energy-saving benefits:

Infographic sharing pool cover benefits
Infographic sharing how much water evaporation can take place daily

Moreover, reducing water evaporation through automatic pool covers has additional advantages. It minimizes the need to constantly monitor and adjust the pool's water chemistry, as the chemical balance remains more stable when less water is lost through evaporation. Furthermore, by retaining water in the pool, automatic pool covers also contribute to a more sustainable approach to pool ownership, promoting responsible water usage and environmental conservation.

In summary, the benefit of reducing water evaporation through Coverstar automatic pool covers is significant. They act as a protective barrier, preventing direct exposure of the pool's surface to the air and reducing water loss. By conserving water, pool owners can save on water bills, maintain a more stable chemical balance in the pool, and contribute to sustainable water usage practices. Automatic pool covers provide an effective solution for minimizing water evaporation and its associated challenges.

Preventing Water Evaporation

Coverstar automatic pool covers offer a valuable benefit by significantly reducing water evaporation. Evaporation is a natural process that causes water loss from the pool, and it can occur at an alarming rate, especially in regions with hot climates or low humidity. A swimming pool can lose up to a quarter-inch of water each day. This can be influenced by weather and environmental factors including wind intensity, humidity and sunlight. However, with an automatic pool cover in place, this water loss is dramatically minimized.

When a pool is left uncovered, water evaporation occurs as the pool's surface interacts with the surrounding air. This evaporation not only leads to the loss of water but also causes a variety of other problems. It disrupts the pool's chemical balance, requiring more frequent adjustments and chemical additions. Additionally, the loss of water through evaporation means that pool owners need to refill their pools more often, resulting in increased water consumption.

Automatic pool covers act as a barrier, sealing the pool's surface and reducing direct exposure to the air. This significantly reduces water evaporation rates. By preventing evaporation, pool owners can conserve water and avoid the need for frequent refills. This is not only beneficial for water conservation efforts but also helps to lower water bills and maintenance costs.

Backyard of large home. Back porch with tables, chairs, lawn chairs and sitting bar. Large rectangle pool with cover half open.

How to Reduce Pool Heat Loss

Our Coverstar automatic pool covers act as a thermal barrier, effectively sealing the pool's surface and preventing heat from escaping. When the pool is not in use, the cover can be easily closed with the push of a button, creating an insulating layer that traps the heat within the pool. This helps to maintain the water temperature for longer periods, allowing pool owners to enjoy warmer water when they decide to use the pool.

By reducing heat loss, automatic pool covers play a vital role in increasing energy efficiency. When less heat is lost to the environment, there is a reduced demand for continuous heating, resulting in significant energy savings. Pool owners can lower their energy consumption and, subsequently, their heating costs by relying on the insulating properties of the automatic pool cover.

Furthermore, the reduced heat loss provided by automatic pool covers promotes a more enjoyable swimming experience. Pool water that retains its warmth is more inviting and comfortable, allowing swimmers to extend their swimming season and make the most of their pool investment. Whether it's early mornings, cool evenings, or transitioning seasons, the automatic pool cover helps to maintain an optimal water temperature, enhancing the overall pool experience.

Automatic pool covers can reduce your pool heating costs by up to 70% by reducing evaporation. Simply seal your pool when it’s not in use and let the pool cover do the rest!

Another key benefit of automatic pool covers is their ability to reduce pool heat loss. Heat loss is a common issue for pool owners, especially during cooler seasons or in regions with colder climates. However, with an automatic pool cover, this heat loss can be significantly minimized.

Backyard of a large home with a pool and a pool cover partly open
Infographic of pool cover heating benefits

Pool Cover Heating Benefits

Warm water in your pool means you can enjoy your backyard longer after the spring and summer have passed. Depending on your location, an automatic pool cover can help to extend your swimming season by up to three months. Besides warm, comfortable water, pool covers can also help you conserve water and reduce chemical consumption.

According to the Department of Energy:

  • A pool cover can reduce the amount of make-up water needed for your pool by 30% – 50%

  • A pool cover can help to reduce the pool’s chemical consumption by 35% – 60%

Large home and backyard with rectangle pool and tan pool cover partly open

Learn More About the Heating, Energy, and Cost Savings of a Pool Cover

Our qualified Coverstar dealers can show you how to keep your pool warm and conserve energy with the touch of a button. Contact us today!